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Morehourse School of Medicine, NCRN, and AUCD logos

Newsletter No. 32 | April 2024

News and Resources

Image of an African American male smiling and holding up the sleeve on his t-shirt to show a Band-Aid on his arm. The Morehouse School of Medicine and NCRN logos are in the bottom right corner.

How Effective is the Updated Monovalent COVID-19 Vaccine?

According to recent research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the updated (2023-2024) monovalent COVID-19 vaccination provided approximately 54 percent increased protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections. Everyone over 6 months should receive the updated 2023-2024 vaccine.

Get More Information

Updated Recommendations for the Use of COVID-19 Vaccines

As of March 1, 2024, all people ages 65 and over should receive an additional dose of the most recently updated COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer-BioNTech). Learn about the latest guidelines from the CDC.

NCRN/Morehouse/AUCD graphic features QR codes to scan to download the IOS and Android versions of the NCRN App.

Find a COVID-19 Vaccine Near You with the NCRN App

Download the NCRN App to use the Support Finder to find a COVID-19 vaccine near your home. Please share the resource below and download the NCRN app on Google Play or in the App Store today. 

AUCD Outreach for COVID-19 & Flu Vaccines

Find vaccine outreach resources in English and Spanish!

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) created a vaccine outreach social media messaging toolkit with shareable resources including graphics and drafted captions. Please use the toolkit to help spread awareness in your community.

Access the Toolkit
Light blue graphic shows an image of a woman pulling her sleeve up to show a band-aid on her arm. Text reads: How can I strengthen my health in 2024? Getting recommended shots is a safe and effective way to protect and improve your immune system. Visit to schedule your updated COVID-19, flu, and RSV shots as soon as possible. #SleeveUp. The AUCD logo is a globe with a burst of lines in the bottom right corner.

Research Highlights

COVID-19 Health Assessment and Mitigation Planning Survey (CHAMPS)

NCRN developed and launched the COVID-19 Health Assessment and Mitigation Planning Survey (CHAMPS) to fill key gaps in the representation of communities often underrepresented in health surveys. 
All briefs focusing on different communities are now available online. CHAMPS 2.0 was launched in fall 2022 to assess the community experience of the pandemic and find gaps in health, social care, and community needs. CHAMPS 2.0 received over 2,000 validated responses. The eight briefs, linked below, provide a snapshot of all survey responses, including these initial takeaways: 

  • 48% of African American respondents listed financial support as their top household need 

  • 84% of immigrant and refugee respondents said doctors or other health care providers were their trusted sources of information 

  • 28% of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders said their mental health was worse than before the pandemic. 

  • 14% of Hispanic and Latino participants had their work hours reduced, and 11% lost their job. 

Learn More

NCRN Updates

Survey Call: Social Justice & COVID-19

The NCRN Network collaborates with hundreds of Community-Based Organizations to allow for the expansion and delivery of NCRN's network of designed materials, tools, technology and other news and publication resources that have been

culturally and linguistically designed to assist and optimize COVID-19 outreach efforts.

The National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University was commissioned by the NCRN to construct a tool to assess and evaluate the ethics surrounding COVID-19, which includes perceptions about social justice, beneficence, agency, and respect for persons. Please take about 5 minutes to respond to these very important questions. Scan the QR code or access the form here.

You will not be asked for any personal identifying information.

Webinar graphic reads: Connections: Lessons in Building Healthy Communities. Rebuilding Together: Engaging Communities and Empowering Connections

Connections: Lessons in Building Healthy Communities

A new episode of the NCRN podcast, "Connections: Lessons in Building Healthy Communities," is now available wherever you find your podcasts! 
Learn from guest host, Brionna Wicks, in conversation with LaShawn Hoffman, Silas Buchanan, and Nikia WhiteSpots, co-chairs of the NCRN National Community Coalition Board. Learn about disseminating culturally appropriate tools to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 in marginalized communities. Listen to the episode, "Rebuilding Together: Engaging Communities and Empowering Connections," today! Remember to like and review the episode. 

Resource Highlight: RECOVER Initiative

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) created the RECOVER Initiative in February 2021 to understand the long-term effects of COVID-19, improve treatments for people affected by COVID-19, and discover ways to prevent long-term effects. RECOVER studies have a diverse group of participants, including adults, pregnant people, and children. 
The RECOVER Observational Study is focusing on enrolling children and young adults through the end of the summer. If you want to help RECOVER with recruitment, materials are available to share with your community. 
If you want to stay updated with the latest RECOVER findings, visit the research summaries page. There is more information on how the research was conducted, what researchers found, and what the findings might mean for people who suffer from Long COVID. 

For more information, visit the NCRN website or call 1-877-904-5097. 

Download the NCRN app on Google Play or the App Store today. 

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